Travel Destinations Featured in Films

by Matthew Schenk

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It’s widely believed that most of us have been watching more TV than we usually would. When traveling, movies can provide us with a sense of adventure and escapism, which is very different from what we would get from going somewhere new. Many of these have been shot in beautiful locations, and if you’re planning on traveling.

Over the years, we have watched hundreds of movies and TV series. It’s exciting to see how the characters deal with their problems, but the real treat is when the locations where they were shot are revealed. Here are some of the most popular travel locations featured in movies and TV shows.

Villa Laura, Italy

The movie was filmed at Villa Laura, a stunning 17th-century estate in Cortona, Tuscany. This region is full of culture and sunshine, and it’s located in Italy’s southern region. The city of Cortona is surrounded by stone walls constructed during the Roman Empire.

Dubrovnik, Croatia

The capital of Game of Thrones’ fictional land of Westeros is King’s Landing. This beautiful city has a unique architecture designed to remind us of the past. The Old Town is one of the most prominent landmarks in this region, and it’s also regarded as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Numerous tours are available throughout the city to allow you to experience all that it has to offer.

Petra, Jordan 

For hundreds of years, the city of Petra was forgotten. It was only rediscovered in the 19th century, and it quickly became a popular tourist destination thanks to the movies “The Last Crusade” and “Indiana Jones.” Unfortunately, the movie doesn’t entirely capture the city’s beauty. However, most people would agree that the carved stone walls, temples, and tombs are more realistic.

Hobbiton, New Zealand

One of the most popular movie lovers’ lists has listed the location where “The Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit” were filmed. This region is also known as a major tourist destination. The area where the movies were filmed is located in the Waikato region of New Zealand.

The Shire is a must-visit for fans of J.R.R. Tolkien, while fewer hardcore fans will appreciate the detailed craftsmanship. Middle Earth is also a great place to spend a second breakfast.

Mokule’ia Beach in Oahu, Hawaii 

If you’re a fan of the hit TV series “Lost,” you’ll want to visit the crash site of Flight 815. It was filmed in the area of Oahu’s Mokule’ia Beach. Although the show moved locations throughout the later seasons, fans still flock to this area to see where the story started. Multiple other notable locations are featured in the show, such as Jacob’s lighthouse and the Dharma village.