Leading Through Crisis: Strategies for Resilient Leadership

by Matthew Schenk

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A crisis is an inevitable part of organizational life. It can take many forms, from economic downturns and natural disasters to cybersecurity breaches and public relations nightmares. In the face of such challenges, leaders are called upon to demonstrate resilient leadership, providing stability, guidance, and hope to their teams. Leading through a crisis requires a unique set of strategies and qualities that can help organizations weather the storm and emerge stronger on the other side.

Stay Calm and Composed: 

Resilient leaders maintain a sense of calm and composure, even amid chaos. This doesn’t mean they ignore the severity of the crisis; instead, they manage their emotional responses and model a steady and confident demeanor.

Effective Communication: 

Communication is paramount during a crisis. Resilient leaders are transparent, honest, and timely in their communication. They provide clear and accurate information to their teams, addressing concerns and offering guidance.

Embrace Adaptability: 

Crises often require quick thinking and adaptability. Resilient leaders are open to change and can pivot when necessary. They are willing to reevaluate plans and strategies to respond to evolving circumstances. Adaptability is a key trait of resilient leadership.


In times of crisis, leaders must make difficult decisions promptly. Resilient leaders gather information, consult relevant stakeholders, and act decisively to address the crisis. While they may not have all the answers, they don’t shy away from making choices in the organization’s best interest.

Rally the Team: 

Resilient leaders rally their teams, inspiring a collective purpose and determination. They communicate the organization’s shared goals and motivate employees to work together towards a common objective.

Scenario Planning: 

Resilient leaders engage in scenario planning, anticipating, and preparing for potential challenges. They don’t rely solely on reacting to crises as they occur but take proactive measures to mitigate risks and minimize potential damage.

Lead by Example: 

Resilient leaders lead by example, demonstrating the behavior and values they expect from their teams. They model resilience, adaptability, and a positive attitude. By walking the talk, they inspire their employees to do the same.

Learn and Improve: 

After the crisis, resilient leaders take the time to reflect on the experience. They identify lessons learned and areas for improvement. This reflective process allows them to adapt and better prepare for future challenges.

Engage in Stakeholder Communication: 

Resilient leaders communicate with their internal teams and engage with external stakeholders, including customers, partners, and the community. Clear and consistent communication with all relevant parties builds trust and maintains the organization’s reputation.

Crisis Response Team: 

Resilient leaders often establish a dedicated crisis response team. This team manages the crisis, coordinates efforts, and ensures the organization’s response is efficient and effective.

Leading through a crisis is a challenging but essential aspect of leadership. Resilient leadership strategies are crucial for guiding organizations through turbulent times. Resilient leaders stay calm, communicate effectively, embrace adaptability, and prioritize the well-being of their team members. They are decisive, empathetic, and learn from each crisis to become better prepared for the next.